Earn rewards by staking coins
Staking on the Token Republic
The Token Republic’s public blockchain is POCM (Proof of Credit Mining) based. Anyone can become a validator and share the non-inflationary network rewards, supporting the next wave of adoption!
You can set up your own node or lease to a community node.
Follow steps here to participate on POCM platform.

What is Staking?
Staking is the process of holding funds in a cryptocurrency wallet to support the operations of a network. Participants are rewarded for depositing and holding coins, with constant guaranteed time-based returns. Rewards are calculated based on staking time: the longer you stake, the more you earn.
What is Proof of Credit Mining?
POCM (Proof of Credit Mining) is an SCO Platform that allows projects to use smart-contracts to issue and distribute project tokens on blockchains. Got NULS? Stake into our project’s nodes and earn TRG tokens as reward, while the project earns NULS as reward. Unlike IEOs and ICOs, stakers never risk their principal, and NULS never leave their wallet. Earn project tokens while your device is off! As a universal SCO Platform, POCM can be used to issue and distribute tokens and assets from any public chain in any blockchain ecosystem.
What are staking rewards?
SCO allows for the tokenization of crypto assets and uses public chain tokens, such as NULS, to issue consensus rewards to token holders who stake into SCO nodes. Stakers earn the tokenized assets instead of NULS, and depending on the project, rewards can be distributed as a mix of the two or only one of these.